March 2021 Quarter Day
- Offices represent 91% of the Group’s total rental income and to date the Group has received 91% of these March 2021 Quarter Day rents. The office collection rate compares to 78% reported on 8 April 2020 for the March 2020 Quarter Day
- We have now received 87% of total rent, with a further 5% expected later in the quarter
- Rent-free periods have been granted on 1% of total rents, mainly for retail and hospitality tenants
- March 2021 Quarter Day receipts include rent deposits of £38k
- 89% of service charges for the quarter have been received so far

December and September 2020 Quarters updated
Rents agreed to be paid later within the December 2020 quarter have continued to be received. We have now collected 91% of the December 2020 quarter rents, with another 5% subject to agreed payment plans. For the September 2020 quarter, we have now received 92% of rents with another 5% subject to payment plans.