Fiztrovia Community Centre (FCC), which has received a community funding grant from Derwent London plc, organised a Halloween Party on 31 October 2013 at the centre.
Over 100 local adults and around 80 children attended to join in the festivities including Halloween crafts, healthy and fun Halloween food, face painting, ghost stories and lots of fun in the spooky spider garden.
Richard Baldwin, Head of Development at Derwent London, handed over a cheque for £30,000 to John Hibbs, a Trustee of Fitzrovia Community Centre, a registered charity based at 2 Foley Street, London W1. The grant will enable FCC to undertake their Community Gardening Project, encompassing the installation of planters in local public spaces, developing a community garden at the centre in Foley Street, together with a pop-up café and ‘Inside Outside’ gallery in the centre courtyard.
The project has just commenced and volunteers are now being sought. Gardening sessions will take place late Autumn 2013 and continue early Spring 2014 in time for all to enjoy by early Summer 2014. Those interested in getting involved with planting and maintaining planters, leading activities, assisting with a mural, history and art, developing and co-running a pop-up café or supporting the programme in any way should contact the Liz at the FCC
info@fitzroviacentre.org.uk 020 7580 8680
Derwent London, which launched its voluntary £250,000 funding programme in May this year, awarded funding to Fitzrovia Community Centre, Fitzrovia Youth in Action, All Souls Primary School, All Souls Clubhouse and Fitzrovia Trust. In addition, the company is supporting a number of the charities through its staff volunteering programme. The company will consider further applications for funding from Spring 2014.